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Mehr Infos auf www.HOCH-FORM.at >>




16 Monaten mit Mountainbikes 

von Wien bis nach Australien

Alle Infos zu unserer Radweltreise

"Ärzte radeln für Ärzte ohne Grenzen" >>





Anmerkung: Nur Produktsponsoring (Teile der Ausrüstung). Finanziert wurden alle Projekte ausschließlich mit eigenen Mitteln!



mit Sponsorbeteiligung:


- Around the World 2 -

Mit Mountainbikes

von Wien nach Australien

2006 - 2008


- Around the World 1 -

Mit einem Faltkajak

im Gepäck um die Welt

2002 - 2003



P h o t o g r a p h i e 

M o m e n t e  -  f e s t g e h a l t e n   f ü r   d i e   E w i g k e i t







P h o t o g a l e r i e n

Ü b e r s i c h t


Perrito Moreno Glacier, Argentinia


 P h i l i p p i n e s
       Palawan  Impressions from the Philippines´ Last Frontier
  zur  Photogallery
 T a n s  a n i a
       Safari  Impressions from the Savannah in Northern Tansania
  zur  Photogallery
 C o r n w a l l
       Southern England - Impressions from Cornwall and London
  zur  Photogallery
 C r o a t i a  K a y a k i n g  E x p e d i t i o n  2 0 0 9
       Croatia - Impressions from the 1000 islands off the Croatian Coast
  zur  Photogallery
 F l o r i d a
       Key Life - Impressions from Overseas Paddling Trail
  zur  Photogallery
       The Glades - Impressions from Everglades National Park
  zur  Photogallery
 F i n l a n d
       Baltic Sea  - Impressions from the Åland - Islands
  zur  Photogallery


 s e a 2 s u m m i t  -  R a d w e l t r e i s e


   Zu den Photogallerien der Radweltreise >>
  zur  Photogallery
 M a l e d i v e n
       Malediven - Impressions from the Indian Ocean
  zur  Photogallery
       Animalplanet - Impressions from the Animal Life at Sea
  zur  Photogallery
       Underwater - Impressions from the Reef World
  zur  Photogallery
       Natives - Impressions from the People of Rasdhoo
  zur  Photogallery
 O m a n 
           Oman - Impressions from the Land of Incense
  zur  Photogallery
       From Above - Impressions from a Bird´s Eye View
  zur  Photogallery
 A u s t r i a 
       Alpcross - Impressions from a Transalp Bikeride 
  zur  Photogallery
 R é u n i o n
       Réunion - Impressions from l´île Bourbon
  zur  Photogallery
            Junglefever - Impressions from a tropical paradise
  zur  Photogallery
 C r o a t i a
          Croatia - Impressions from the Dalmatian Coast
  zur  Photogallery
            Kayak Life - Impressions from the Life at Sea
  zur  Photogallery
 P a t a g o n i a
       Patagonia - Impressions from the Southern Andes
  zur  Photogallery
       Animalplanet - Impressions from the Animal Planet
  zur  Photogallery


 T a n g a r o a   -   K a j a k w e l t r e i s e


 T h a i l a n d - Impressions from Siam 
  zur  Photogallery
 A u s t r a l i e n  
        Northern Territory - Impressions from Down Under
  zur  Photogallery


        Queensland 1 - Impressions from the coast


  zur  Photogallery
        Queensland 2 - Impressions from a seafarer´s life
  zur  Photogallery

 F i d s c h i - Impressions from the Island Life

  zur Photogallery
 N e w  Z e a l a n d
 N e w   Z e a l a n d - Impressions from Aotearoa
  zur  Photogallery
 S c a n d i n a v i a
 S c a n d i n a v i a - Impressions from the Land of the Vikings 
  zur  Photogallery
 V i e n n a
       Icy Danube - Impressions from Winter-paddling in Vienna
  zur  Photogallery
 D i v e r s e s
 S e a - Impressions from Rivers & Oceans
  zur Photogallery

 2 - Impressions from Tiger & Nanook

  zur Photogallery

 S u m m i t - Impressions

  zur Photogallery



Impressionen einer Radweltreise ans andere Ende der Welt



 Zur Photogalerie der Radweltreise 2006-2008 >>       






Mt. Fitzroy Panorama, Argentinien






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B a s e c a m p R e i s e n  &  E x p e d i t i o n e n P h o t o g r a p h i e G e d a n k e n
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